Why is Aarhus called the City of Smiles? Aarhus is called “Smiliets by” (the city of smiles) and this and for good reason. This city spreads so much joy and that’s why people always walk around with a smile on their faces. Photo: Dennis Borup Jakobsen The most popular museum is ARoS! You can’t miss …
Aarhus is the second-largest city in Denmark. It is the perfect destination for a city trip. This city is an actual student city. Aarhus is a cultural city with quite a few museums. The three most outstanding ones? ARoS Art Museum, viking museum Moesgaard and the open-air museum Den Gamle By. Here you will also find a good mix of old industrial buildings and modern architecture, cozy coffee spots, street art and good restaurants. These combinations make it the perfect destination for a beautiful weekend getaway!
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